Gas Quality Impacts on Industrial and Commercial applications
Project Reference Number:

Project summary
Funding Licensee(s):
  • Cadent
  • National Grid Gas Distribution
  • National Grid Gas Transmission
  • Northern Gas Networks
  • SGN
  • Wales & West Utilities
Funding mechanism:
  • Network Innovation Allowance
Research area:
  • GD - Future of gas
  • Stakeholder Engagement

The project aims to explore the effects of a wider gas Wobbe Index range including blended hydrogen mixtures (up to 20% H2) by researching the measures in place around the world to ensure safe and efficient combustion of wider specification gas. The research will review the effects of rate of change of Wobbe Index and the frequency/magnitude of these gas quality changes and how this will impact network modelling. The industrial and commercial equipment examined will be greater than 1 MW in size and the research will also consider any instrumentation used in the burner/process that controls, measures or may be affected by gas quality.

The range of Wobbe Index for this study is 45.67 MJ/m3 to 53.25 MJ/m3. This range is not exclusive and any appropriate information outside of this range will be considered.

The project will be conducted in the phases as outlined:

Phase 1 – Review of GB I&C market and prior work

1. Identification of types of Industrial and Commercial equipment potentially impacted by gas quality changes and categorise the population of this equipment

2. Review of prior relevant and representative work into gas quality impacts on each equipment type or category

3. Summary of available instrumentation, hardware and software for controlling gas quality in pre-burner/post burner combustion systems

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

5. {C}Roadmap to adoption of Wobbe Index of 53.25 MJ/m3

Phase 2 – Conclusions of gas quality impacts

1. Engagement with customers/manufacturers to identify current equipment examples and case studies

2. Assessment of effectiveness in terms of rate of change of Wobbe Index/ gas quality with high-level cost estimates and a comparison of the performance of different systems in terms of rate of change. It will also consider future changes to gas quality, i.e. CO2, O2, H2 and biomethane.

3. Engagement with instrumentation suppliers to understand solutions for controlling gas quality for each I & C type/category are available and what gaps or development is necessary for future changes to gas quality

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

5. Roadmap to adoption of Wobbe Index of 53.25 MJ/m3

The success criteria for the project are:

  • Studying the real impact of gas quality impacts on I&C applications

  • Knowledge on gas quality impacts on I&C applications shared with key stakeholders

  • Full project report with Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Roadmap to adoption of increased Wobbe Index to 53.25 MJ/m3